Data-visualization and mapping tools

NJ ADAPT is a suite of data-visualization and mapping tools developed by Rutgers University. The NJ ADAPT tools are designed to assist planners, community leaders, businesses, and residents to understand and adapt to the impacts of climate change on people, assets, and communities in New Jersey. Click on the buttons below to select the tool you would like to use.

Climate Dashboard

New Jersey climate trends in moderate and high emissions scenarios

The Dashboard visualizes climate change trends and statistics for the whole of New Jersey. It compares today’s conditions to future projections and can be displayed as maps or interactive charts. Projections are summarized in seasonal intervals (winter, spring, summer, fall) for six climate measurements in moderate (consistent with today’s global policies) and high (continued growth of emissions by 2100) emissions scenarios.

Climate Planning Tool

A guide to using coastal flooding data in climate change planning

This tool assists state and local officials, communities, hazard planners, and others to understand the impacts of climate change on coastal flooding in New Jersey. Backed by data on sea level rise, hurricanes, and tidal floods, the tool explains how to use data to analyze different flooding scenarios. The tool is presented in two storymaps: the first is a primer on flooding; the second is a step-by-step outline of a coastal flood vulnerability analysis.

Climate Snapshots

Climate risks summarized by municipality, county and statewide

Adapting to climate change requires an understanding of potential hazards and exposure. These Climate Snapshots provide easy access to information about the people, places, and assets at risk from climate impacts in each of New Jersey’s municipalities, counties, and the state as a whole. Snapshots include reports on built infrastructure, critical assets, natural and working lands, public health, vulnerable populations, and forestry.

Local Planning Navigator

A decision-support tool for building community resilience

The Navigator provides end users with New Jersey specific data to better understand climate-related hazards in their localities. The Navigator enables users to assess climate-related hazards as required or recommended by various state and federal programs and can be specifically used to complete certain elements of a Climate Change Related Hazard Vulnerability Assessment as required by New Jersey’s Municipal Land Use Law.

NJ FloodMapper

An interactive flood exposure data mapping tool

NJ FloodMapper is an interactive mapping tool that allows users to conduct flood exposure analysis based on the best available science for sea-level rise and numerous other parameters, including total water levels, hurricane surge, FEMA flood zones, and Hurricane Sandy surge. Additional map layers depict infrastructure, environmental hazards, marsh and open space, social vulnerability, flood insurance payments for property loss, and land use.

NJ Forest Adapt​

A data mapping tool for forest management

This mapping tool enables users to visualize data over multiple timelines and climate change scenarios. Users can explore changes in plant hardiness and heat zones, species distribution, daily minimum and maximum temperatures, heating and cooling degree days, and precipitation. Additional map layers include forest carbon density, canopy cover, impervious surfaces, forest types, pest and disease, wildfire fuel hazard, and more.

NJ HazAdapt

Data and resources for hazard mitigation planning

Developed with the NJ Office of Emergency Management, this tool provides municipal and county hazard planners with easy access to data and resources that will assist with development of hazard mitigation plans. State and local users can assess flooding impacts on key FEMA lifeline sectors, socially vulnerable populations, and individual land parcels. The tool includes heat hazard data to understand the impacts of heat waves and the urban heat island effect.

NJ Public Health Adapt

Climate planning for improved health outcomes

NJ Public Health Adapt was developed to support efforts at the state, regional and local levels to understand the impacts that changing climate conditions may have on public health as well as to support efforts to adapt to changing climate conditions in ways that improve health outcomes, especially for those populations experiencing climate-related health disparities. Intended users include healthcare professionals, public health agencies, municipal and county planners, and NGOs.


New Jersey Restoration Tool Organization Suite (NJResTOrS)

Developed by a coalition of state agency, non-governmental organization and academic partners, NJResTOrS is one component of a larger strategy to equip coastal municipal planners and non-profit partners with the resources to plan and coordinate coastal restoration projects to advance climate change adaptation. NJResTOrS provides a more seamless integration of web-based decision-support tools so that users can work directly from issue scoping through project evaluation.

Rutgers Inland Design Flood Elevation

FEMA 1% Chance Annual Flood +3 feet

This data layer is consistent with the NJDEP Inland Flood Rule establishing a new Design Flood Elevation (DFE) standard for specific types of new construction and redevelopment. The new DFE is 3 feet above the elevation of the 1% Chance Annual Flood for New Jersey, also known as the 100-year flood (and equivalent to 2 feet above the NJDEP mapped flood elevation).

NJADAPT is a planning tool; it is not designed to render determinations as to the regulatory status of an individual property. Rutgers is constantly improving NJADAPT with new data, applications, functions, and tools. If you would like to be notified of updates to NJADAPT as well as trainings for its use, please join our mailing list. We welcome your feedback; please send us comments or examples of how you use NJADAPT.

Welcome to NJADAPT

NJADAPT is a suite of free web-based data visualization and mapping tools, developed by Rutgers University. The NJADAPT tools are designed to support efforts to connect scientific climate change data with other critical information so that citizens, community leaders, residents, state and local decision makers, businesses, and others can better understand the impacts of changing climate conditions on people, assets and communities in New Jersey. The NJADAPT tools provide end users with the data needed to undertake strategies to adapt to and build resilience and preparedness in light of climate change.

NJADAPT is a planning tool; it is not designed to render determinations as to the regulatory status of an individual property. Rutgers is constantly improving NJADAPT with new data, applications, functions, and tools. If you would like to be notified of updates to NJADAPT as well as trainings for its use, please join our mailing list. We welcome your feedback on use of the NJADAPT tools and we would like to feature stories of how New Jerseyans are using the NJADAPT tools; please offer any comments or examples of your work by contacting us through this link.

There are many ways to use the suite of NJADAPT tools. All of the tools built into NJADAPT rely on the same consistent set of data regarding climate conditions, demographics, critical assets, the natural and built environment and other factors.

Please feel free to explore the NJADAPT tools and data. For users that have a specific purpose for using NJADAPT, there are built in applications that make it easy for you to access relevant NJDAPT data:

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