Climate Justice:

Transformative Climate Communities

Supporting climate action in New
Jersey's overburdened communities

The Transformative Climate Communities program awards grants to nonprofit organizations working within overburdened communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The initiative is designed to support community-driven projects that reduce pollution; produce economic, health, or environmental benefits for residents; leverage additional funding sources; and build the organization’s capacity for additional climate action.

Focus areas for these grants include but are not limited to:

● Affordable and sustainable housing;
● Access to affordable transit;
● Electric bicycle and ride share programs;
● Solar installation and energy efficiency;
● Water-energy efficiency installations;
● Urban greening and green infrastructure;
● Bicycle and pedestrian facilities; and
● Waste reduction and recycling, including food waste.

What is an overburdened community?

The NJ Legislature defines “overburdened community” as any census block group in which:

1. at least 35 percent of the households qualify as low-income households;

2. at least 40 percent of the residents identify as minority or as members of a State recognized tribal community; or

3. at least 40 percent of the households have limited English proficiency.

Meet the 2023 TCC Grant Recipients​

Click on the buttons below for project descriptions.

Gateway CAP

E-bike incentive pilot program

Groundwork Elizabeth

Community solar grant program

Hudson County Complete Streets

Safe and sustainable transportation

Raritan Bay Area YMCA

Affordable green housing

South Ward Environmental Alliance

Air quality monitoring and advocacy

Read the TCC Blog​

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