Climate Change in New Jersey & NJADAPT Training for Public Health Professionals
Part 1: An Introduction to Climate Change in New Jersey
Join Dr. James Shope for a brief overview of the hazards Climate Change Poses for New Jersey in the future.
James is an environmental scientist and geoscientist whose past work has evaluated flooding and erosion hazards due to climate change and sea-level rise. His work combines numerical modeling of climate and hydrodynamic processes, large-scale data analyses, and interdisciplinary coordination to provide practical information to guide climate change resiliency planning. James’s research addresses a wide range of climate change impacts and adaptation strategies relevant to the Mid-Atlantic US, particularly New Jersey. Specifically, he is interested in how climate change may impact ecosystem services and ensuing socioeconomic ramifications. He also focuses on how climate change may affect public health, municipal planning, and agricultural production
Part 2: NJADAPT Data Mapping Workshop
Join Lucas Marxen for a training on the use of NJADAPT, Rutgers’ climate change data-visualization and mapping tools. Mr. Marxen is Associate Director of Research Analytics at the Rutgers NJ Agricultural Experiment Station and a Project Manager at the NJ Climate Change Resource Center.
NJADAPT is a suite of online data-visualization tools designed to help policy makers, planning professionals, and community leaders analyze and respond to climate change impacts.
This training is ideal for public health professionals as well floodplain managers, hazard mitigation planners, planning and zoning board members, environmental commissioners, and other elected or appointed officials and community leaders interested in preparing their communities for climate change impacts.
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Climate Change for Planning & Zoning Boards

State of the Climate: New Jersey 2023

NJADAPT: New Tools and Critical Enhancements

A Conversation with New Jersey’s Flood Experts

New Jersey Climate Change Research Symposium 2023