SUMMER CLIMATE ACADEMY: Climate Adaptation Planning for New Jersey's Urban and Natural Forests

Natural resource professionals need scientifically credible, relevant, and timely information on climate change, its effects on ecosystems, and potential management options in order to effectively respond to climate change. In this webinar, the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science and Rutgers University introduce two resources that use science to address managers’ needs: the Climate Change Response Framework, and New Jersey Forest Adapt.

Climate Change Response Framework
Patricia Leopold, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science
The Climate Change Response Framework provides resources to help urban and natural land managers understand and adapt to climate change. These resources include the Mid-Atlantic Forest Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment, the Adaptation Workbook, Adaptation Strategies and Approaches, and case studies showing how land managers have integrated climate change into planning and management.

NJ Forest Adapt
Rick Lathrop, Rutgers University
NJ Forest Adapt is a web portal providing access to mapped information on the status of New Jersey’s forests, present and future climate and other forest health stressors to aid land managers in adaptation planning.

This webinar was organized by Rutgers University, the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, and the USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub. Additional support was provided by Rutgers Institute of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences.