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Seat at the table


A Seat at the Table: Integrating the Needs and Challenges of Underrepresented and Socially Vulnerable Populations into Coastal Hazards Planning in New Jersey

As part of a NOAA national Project of Special Merit, researchers from Rutgers University developed decision-support tools, resilience planning guidance, and training and policy options to advance efforts to address the needs of socially vulnerable populations as part of coastal climate resilience planning.

Final products include a report with policy options, a training for local resilience planners, and availability of data on socially vulnerable populations that can be found on the NJADAPT suite of tools.

This work was made possible with financial assistance from the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, as administered by the Office of Coastal Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Program through the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Coastal Management Program, Bureau of Climate Resilience Planning.

A Seat at the Table

A Seat at the Table: Integrating the Needs and Challenges of Underrepresented and Socially Vulnerable Populations into Coastal Hazards Planning in New Jersey

Prepared for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
May 2020

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