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NJ Climate Change Alliance


Advancing Shared Solutions to Intersect Climate Action and Health Equity: Opportunities for NJ to advance health equity-informed climate solutions. 2022. The New Jersey Climate Change Alliance Public Health Workgroup.

Wetland Resource Considerations for A New Jersey Natural and Working Lands Strategy. February 2022. The New Jersey Climate Change Alliance Natural and Working Lands Workgroup.

Outline of Potential Elements of Climate Change Resilience Legislation in New Jersey. February 2022. The New Jersey Climate Change Alliance Long-Term Statewide Planning for Climate Change Workgroup.

Forest Resource Considerations for A New Jersey Natural and Working Lands Strategy. February 2022. The New Jersey Climate Change Alliance Natural and Working Lands Workgroup.

Advancing the New Jersey Sustainable Organic Material Management Plan: Opportunities to Increase Food Security and Reduce New Jersey’s Organic Waste. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Change Alliance. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, and in partnership with the New Jersey State Policy Lab. Prepared by: Brown, A., Heckler, A. & Youngster, T. 2022. Support provided by Jeanne Herb, Marjorie Kaplan, and Gary Sondermeyer.

Sustainable Organic Material Management Plan. August 2021. The New Jersey Climate Change Alliance Organics Workgroup.

Health Note on the NJDEP proposed regulation: Advanced Clean Trucks Program and and Fleet Reporting Requirements Proposed Amendment: N.J.A.C. 7:27A-3.10, Proposed New Rules: N.J.A.C. 7:27-31 and 33.  June 2021. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Change Alliance by Karen W. Lowrie, Ph.D. with Emma Kilkelly, Adrew Herrera, and Kevin Petrozzo. Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University.

Advancing a Climate Change and Health Agenda for New Jersey: Opportunities for Action. 2021. The NJ Climate Change Alliance Public Health Workgroup Workplan.

An Overview of Climate Change Resilience Programs in Four States: Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island. April 2021. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Change Alliance by Marjorie Kaplan Dr.PH, and Jeanne Herb.

Ecological Monitoring and Mitigation Policies and Practices at Offshore Wind Installations in the United States and Europe. August 2020. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Change Alliance. Michael C. Allen, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources, Rutgers University and Matthew Campo, Senior Research Specialist, Environmental Analysis & Communications Group, Rutgers University.

Opportunities for Public Participation in Offshore Wind Planning in New Jersey. February 2020. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Change Alliance. Matthew Campo, Senior Research Specialist, Environmental Analysis & Communications Group, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; and Carolyn Iwicki, Rutgers University Ph.D. candidate Ecology and Evolution.

The New Jersey Draft Energy Master Plan: Opportunities to Integrate Health and Health Equity. 2019. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Change Alliance.  Karen W. Lowrie, Ph.D. and Leigh Ann Von Hagen Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy Rutgers University.

Building Capacity to Address Impacts of Climate Change on Health Inequities in New Jersey. 2019. Summary of a June 24, 2019 Convening co-hosted by the New Jersey Climate Change Alliance and the New Jersey Society for Public Health Education.

Climate Change Attitudes in New Jersey: New Jerseyans concerned but lack knowledge about climate Change.April 2019.  Results of a Rutgers-Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling with the New Jersey Climate Alliance. 

New Jersey Climate and Health Profile Report. 2017. New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. Moran, D., J. Whytlaw, J. Herb, M. Kaplan, J. Madrigano, and P.Kinney. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University.

Using Geographic Tools to Identify Industrial and Commercial Facilities for which pollution prevention efforts may reduce exposures to hazards associated with climate-related flooding2017. New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. Herb, J., J. Whytlaw, M. Campo. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University. 

Assessing New Jersey’s Exposure to Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Storms: Report of the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance Science and Technical Advisory Panel. Kopp, R.E., A. Broccoli, B. Horton, D. Kreeger, R. Leichenko, J.A. Miller, J.K. Miller, P. Orton, A. Parris, D. Robinson, C.P.Weaver, M. Campo, M. Kaplan, M. Buchanan, J. Herb, L. Auermuller and C. Andrews. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. New Brunswick, New Jersey. 2016. See 2019 updated report by Rutgers University to NJCCA 2016 report.

Assessing New Jersey’s Exposure to Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Storms: A Companion Report to the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance Science and Technical Advisory Panel Report. 2016. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. Kaplan, M., M. Campo, L. Auermuller, and J. Herb. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University. 

Integrating Climate Science into Coastal Resilience Planning and Decision Making in New Jersey: A summary of two reports prepared by the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance 2016. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. Kaplan, M. and J. Herb.  New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University. 

Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Supply Sector. 2016. Van Abs, D.J.  Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  New Brunswick, New Jersey.  

Basis and Background Document:  Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Supply Sector. 2016.  Millsaps, K. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University.

Populations Vulnerable to Climate Change in New Jersey: Update of a Statistical Analysis. 2015.  Pflicke, K.M, M. Greenberg, J. Whytlaw, J. Herb, M. Kaplan. 2015Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. 

Climate Change and Local Planning White Paper:  Implications for Local Planning Practice and Policy Recommendations of the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. 2015. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  Kinsey, D.N. New Brunswick, New Jersey. 

Coastal Flood Risk and Climate Change Implications for New Jersey’s Senior Citizens. 2015.   Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  Yamanaka, A., J. Whytlaw, J. Herb, M. Greenberg, M. Kaplan. 2015. New Brunswick NJ. 

The New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance: Preparing for the Impacts of Climate Change in New Jersey. 2015.  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Vulnerable Populations to Climate Change in New Jersey. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  2014. Bickers., K.M. 

20 Good Ideas for Promoting Climate Resilience: Opportunities for States and Local Government.  2014. Georgetown Climate Center. 

Climate Change Preparedness and Resilience: Funding and Financing Strategies for New Jersey. McGrath, K.M. Prepared for the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  New Brunswick, New Jersey. 

Insights into Media Coverage of Climate Change and Severe Weather Events in New Jersey. 2014. Georgetown Climate Center. 

Public Support for Policies to Reduce Risk After Hurricane Sandy.Risk Analysis, Vol. 34, No. 6, 2014. DOI: 10.111/risa.12203. Greenberg, M.R., M.D. Weiner, R. Noland, J. Herb, M. Kaplan and A.J. Broccoli. 

An Analysis of NJ Climate Adaptation Alliance Coastal Recommendations Relative to Recent Programs and Legislation for Climate Adaptation in Delaware, Maryland, and New York.2014. Edited by Matt Campo. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA). 2014. Resilience. Preparing New Jersey for Climate Change: Policy Considerations from the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. Edited by Matt Campo, Marjorie Kaplan, Jeanne Herb. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA). Stakeholder Engagement Report: Transportation. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey.2014.  Edited by Jon Carnegie. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA). Stakeholder Engagement Report: Public Health. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey.  2014. Edited by George T. DiFerdinando, Jr., Sarah Watson and Marjorie B. Kaplan. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA). Stakeholder Engagement Report: Environmental Groups. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey. 2014.  Edited by Deborah Mans. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA). Stakeholder Engagement Report: Agriculture. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey. 2014. Edited by Marjorie B. Kaplan, Mark Robson and Raimy Cheyne. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.  

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA). The Role of Buildings in Climate Adaptation. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey.2014. Edited by Jennifer Senick.  

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA). Stakeholder Engagement Report: Environmental Justice. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey. 2014. Authored by Nicky Sheats, Esq., Ph.D., Thomas Edison State College, Trenton, NJ. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  Preparing for a Changing Climate in New Jersey:  Actions for Individuals, Communities and Businesses Today.2014. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.   A Summary of Climate Change Impacts and Preparedness Opportunities Affecting Natural Resources in New Jersey. 2014. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  A Summary of Climate Change Impacts and Preparedness Opportunities for the Coastal Communities in New Jersey. 2014. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  A Summary of Climate Change Impacts and Preparedness Opportunities for Telecommunications and Energy Utilities in New Jersey.  2014.

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. A Summary of Climate Change Impacts and Preparedness Opportunities for the Agricultural Sector in New Jersey.  2014. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  A Summary of Climate Change Impacts and Preparedness Opportunities for the Transportation Sector in New Jersey. 2014.  

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey: Best Practices for Public Health Officers.  2014. 

Understanding New Jersey’s Vulnerability to Climate Change.  Climate Information Bulletin.  Georgetown Climate Center and Rutgers Climate Institute. 2013. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA). Resilience. Preparing New Jersey for Climate Change: A Gap Analysis from the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. 2013.  Edited by Matt Campo, Marjorie Kaplan, Jeanne Herb. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA).  Stakeholder Engagement Report: Water Resources. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey.2013.  Edited by Daniel J. Van Abs. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA).  Stakeholder Engagement Report: Utilities. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey. 2013. Edited by Karen Alexander. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA). Stakeholder Engagement Report: Social Services. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey. 2013. Edited by Patricia Findley. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA).  Stakeholder Engagement Report: Natural Resources. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey. 2013. Edited by Patty Doerr. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University.

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA). Stakeholder Engagement Report: Coastal Communities. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey.  2013. Edited by Lisa Auermuller and Tony MacDonald. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance (NJCAA).  Surveys of Stakeholder Groups. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey. 2013. Edited by Raimy Cheyne. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University. 

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey:  Best Practices for Local Planners. 2013.  

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  Climate Change Preparedness in New Jersey:  Best Practices for Watershed Management2013.

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  A Summary of Climate Change Impacts and Preparedness Opportunities for the Water Resources Sector in New Jersey. 2013.

New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance.  A Summary of Climate Change Impacts and Preparedness Opportunities for the Public Health Sector in New Jersey.2013.

New Jersey and Climate Change: Impacts and Responses
Play Video about New Jersey and Climate Change: Impacts and Responses
Climate Change and the Jersey Shore
Play Video about Climate Change and the Jersey Shore
New Jersey's Changing Shoreline
Play Video about New Jersey's Changing Shoreline
Populations Vulnerable to Climate Change in New Jersey
Play Video about Populations Vulnerable to Climate Change in New Jersey
Climate Change and Flood Risk for New Jersey's Senior Citizens
Play Video about Climate Change and Flood Risk for New Jersey's Senior Citizens
Climate Change and Public Health
Play Video about Climate Change and Public Health
Addressing climate change is a monumental opportunity
Play Video about Addressing climate change is a monumental opportunity
There are benefits to addressing climate change beyond reducing greenhouse gases
Play Video about There are benefits to addressing climate change beyond reducing greenhouse gases
Economic development and environmental protection
Play Video about Economic development and environmental protection
Climate change is a problem we can solve
Play Video about Climate change is a problem we can solve
New Jersey can make a difference in the fight against climate change
Play Video about New Jersey can make a difference in the fight against climate change
We can improve the well-being of vulnerable communities
Play Video about We can improve the well-being of vulnerable communities
Megan Linkin discusses NJCAA
Play Video about Megan Linkin discusses NJCAA
Play Video about Ana Baptista discusses NJCAA
Megan Linkin Discusses Her Company's Position on Climate Change Risk
Play Video about Megan Linkin Discusses Her Company's Position on Climate Change Risk
Play Video about Mark Mauriello Discusses the Importance of Land Use Planning in Adapting to Climate Changes
Play Video about Mark Mauriello Discusses the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance
Play Video about George DiFerdinando Discusses the NJCAA
Michael Catania Discusses the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance
Play Video about Michael Catania Discusses the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance
Play Video about NJ Climate Scientist Anthony Broccoli Discusses the Economic Impacts of Climate Change

Meet the Climate Corps

Angel Alguera, Rutgers Climate CorpsAngel Alguera
I am a first-year Atmospheric Science master’s degree student in the Department of Environmental Sciences, and my work focuses on meteorology and applications of climate change resiliency. My professional interests include severe weather forecasting and community preparedness regarding weather-related disasters. I work with Dr. James Shope at the NJ Climate Change Resource Center to produce applied research and reports relevant to New Jersey stakeholders. I currently assist with climate change data analysis, large dataset management, and report writing.

Daniel GilkesonDaniel Gilkeson
I’m a second-year master’s student in the City and Regional Planning Program with a concentration in environmental planning. As a planner, I hope to build more resilient communities in the face of increased risk due to climate change. With the Climate Change Resource Center, I am working on a project to aid the state in an update of its floodplain buyout program, known as Blue Acres, to be more proactive and comprehensive. Prior to this position, I interned in the Community and Economic Development Office at the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Association. I’m also an AmeriCorps alum, having completed a year of service working on affordable housing in Nashville, Tennessee.

Benjamin GoldbergBenjamin Goldberg
I am a second-year Master of City and Regional Planning student concentrating in climate adaptation and resiliency planning, with experience in sustainable food systems. I joined the Climate Corps last summer to help develop a GIS-based food waste recovery tool, and currently support community resilience through flood vulnerability analysis. I hold a B.A. from Middlebury College and a Certificate in Ecological Horticulture from UC Santa Cruz.

Surya Jacob, Rutgers Climate CorpsSurya Jacob
I am a graduate student in the Master of City and Regional Planning program at the Bloustein School concentrating in community development, focused on housing, land and finance, as well as pursuing the Real Estate Development/Redevelopment Certification. Prior to Bloustein, I worked as an architect and interior designer in India and Canada and am pivoting towards a career in urban planning to engage in extensive projects at the macro level. My interests include affordable and mixed income housing, urban redevelopment, and housing finance, and I am deeply passionate about climate resilience in community planning. Being part of Climate Corps is a foundational step towards helping to solve equity issues in vulnerable communities along the coastal region.

Vineesh Das Kodakkandathil, RutgersVineesh Das Kodakkandathil
I am an urban planner with five years of professional experience in community-led ecotourism development and land use and environment management planning in ecologically sensitive areas. I have worked on and conducted extensive environmental sensitivity analyses, flood and landslide vulnerability assessments, and human impact assessments with the help of GIS tools. I’m currently pursuing my master’s in City and Regional Planning at Bloustein School with a concentration in Transport Planning and GIS.

Douglas LeungDouglas Leung
I am working with the Climate Change Resource Center to identify vulnerable communities and places affected by climate-induced flooding in coastal New Jersey municipalities. I am a Master of City and Regional Planning candidate at the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University. As a planner, I want to develop strategies and solve problems affecting our cities and communities that enable more equitable outcomes in housing and transportation. I am also a recent Army veteran, having served as a company commander of recruiting in the northern suburbs of Chicago and as a reconnaissance platoon leader in the 10th Mountain Division. For fun, I enjoy weightlifting, running, reading fiction, and board games.

Nihar MhatreNihar Mhatre
I am a master’s candidate in city and regional planning at Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, focusing on urban design and land use planning. Before being accepted at Rutgers, I worked as an architect at JD Studio and had my own architectural practice, Vastu Insights. My research interests revolve around designing and developing climate change adaptation and resilience strategies to promote equity in urban landscapes. Having the opportunity to work on real-world projects through Climate Corps will be an essential step in the development of my understanding of addressing climate change issues in vulnerable regions.

Justin MorrisJustin Morris
Justin is a master’s student at Rutgers University studying discovery informatics and data sciences. He is working under Professor Mark Rodgers to develop an optimization model that will act as a decision support tool for university financial investments with the end goal of eliminating Rutgers’ scope 2 emissions. He is excited to apply his background in data analytics and mathematical programming to help the university fight climate change.

Josephine O'GradyJosephine O’Grady
I am a first-year student in the Master of Public Policy program. Through the Coastal Climate Risk and Resilience (C2R2) certification, I am focusing a significant portion of my graduate coursework on topics including coastal geomorphology, environmental justice, and hazard mitigation planning. Before beginning my studies at the Bloustein School, I received my bachelor’s degree in public health from Kean University, where I first became interested in how coastal dynamics shape lived experiences. I previously served as an intern at the New Jersey State Policy Lab and currently work for the Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub (MACH) team.

Jessica Parineet Jessica Parineet
I am a first-year Master of Public Policy student at the Bloustein School with a strong interest in climate change policy and related topics. In my previous work, I gained experience in a number of dimensions of climate change issues through carbon capture storage research, urban heat island research, and community level engagement as I am currently on the Student Advisory Board for the Rutgers Office of Climate Action. I am excited to expand on my interests in environmental justice and local level resilience planning through my involvement in the Climate Corps.

Dillon Patel Dillan Patel
I am a second-year Master of City and Regional Planning student concentrating in Environmental Planning and International Development. I have previously worked as an economist performing cost-benefit analysis and conducting monitoring and evaluation for renewable energy in developing countries. I have also spent a summer in western Massachusetts mapping stormwater infrastructure and working with planners to identify suitable places for green stormwater infrastructure.

Moira Sweeder, Rutgers Climate CorpsMoira Sweeder
I am a graduate student enrolled in the Master of City and Regional Planning program at the Bloustein School. My concentration is environmental planning with a focus on coastal resilience. Before pursuing my master’s degree at Rutgers, I studied sustainability at Stockton University. During this time, I interned for the PSEG Institute of Sustainability Studies, the Jacques Cousteau National Estuary Research Reserve, and NJ Audubon. I am thrilled to now be a part of the Climate Corps, researching coastal resilience as a part of the Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub (MACH) team.

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